Tuesday, March 23, 2010

That poor baby gazelle...

While I was still trying to figure out what to relate Frankenstein to for this week, a friend of mine showed me a video on the internet. At first, I thought it was sad and I couldn't bare to watch the end. The video shows a lioness guiding and protecting a baby gazelle. During the weeks that she is caring for it, she doesn't eat and eventually becomes very weak. While she is resting, the gazelle wanders off and is killed by a lion. The first thing that comes to mind is "Where was it's mother!?" Like the gazelle, the frankenstein monster and Justine were abandoned by their initial caretakers. Dr. Frankenstein immediately fled once the monster awoken. Justine's caretakers, Dr.Frankenstein's family, immediately found her guilty of murder despite the evidence of her innocence.




  1. lol ur silly
    u find comparisions wit anything i c


  2. haha. im trying to figure out what you mean and i think i do. you should really watch the video. it's super sad, but good.
