Wednesday, March 31, 2010


When thinking about socially unexpected beings, one thought came to mind. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people face discrimination each day. They fight for the respect they deserve and the rights that are taken away. While I was searching information about this topic, I came upon thousands of hate websites discriminating against homosexuality. Some people believe lesbians, gays and bisexuals are evil, and that loving someone that is the same sex as you isn’t "right". Personally, I think that we do not decide what is right or wrong. A person has the freewill to love anyone they want, whether it is the opposite or same sex. Frankenstein was also socially unexpected. He was unknown, and innocent when first created which left him vulnerable. He was a human being like the rest around him, but because of his different appearance, he was thrown into isolation. Like homosexuals, who don’t follow the "norm", are automatically labeled and in a way forced into a community. They are people just like the rest of the world, expect with a different sexual orientation. So my question to you is:
Why cant people accept difference?


1 comment:

  1. gah! i was waiting for someone to do homosexuality. this is my favorite blog of yours,obviously.
